Austin Patneau

Over the past five years, Austin has worked with Dr. Buckley on a variety of autism community projects. He is a licensed respiratory therapist with a specialty in hyperbarics.

Austin has worked for Florida Blue, formerly Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, for the past 14 years. He is responsible for marketing planning and strategy for the marketing enterprise group. Austin was deeply involved in preparing for and implementing health care reform changes, and continues to make sure the marketing efforts reflect them.

Austin, his wife, Kathleen, and their two children, Caitlin and Austin, Jr., have made their home in Ponte Vedra Beach since they moved to Florida. He attends Ponte Vedra United Methodist church where he is a small group leader and participates in foreign mission trips and local service projects.

Austin earned a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Michigan and a master’s degree in economics from Florida Atlantic University.